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God has anointed you so that you may be equipped for evry good work: to resist evil, to know the truth, to preach the word, to be able to pray, to have fellowship with the most high. when you recieve service with Anointing hands you will recieve heaven on earth.. total beauty inside and out.



I've been styling hair since 1994

 In Buffalo NY, I started off as a braider for the top salon in the town.(AndreD'Andres,) Then I went to school and got my licence and worked at Jcpenneys hair salon and the next best salon in buffalo called( Iconz) I later moved to Georgia and worked for (Dual images2) and Jcpenneys. and  House of masters atl. (founder lizburks) .Now I have my own beauty businesses.


Stylist/nail tech

My mother introduced me to the hair game when i was just 11 years old she has had me and my sister help her braid her clients hair so it would take less time. I then began to do hair on my own, friends from school and then I worked in a salon doing braids for kids and all styles.Nails became my new thing I love the colors and I cant wait to try out my new colors on you!


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